ce 2.0.0 * @access public * * @param Document $document The document to switch to. */ public function switch_to_document( $document ) { // If is already switched, or is the same post, return. if ( $this->current_doc === $document ) { $this->switched_data[] = false; return; } $this->switched_data[] = [ 'switched_doc' => $document, 'original_doc' => $this->current_doc, // Note, it can be null if the global isn't set ]; $this->current_doc = $document; } /** * Restore document. * * Rollback to the original document. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public */ public function restore_document() { $data = array_pop( $this->switched_data ); // If not switched, return. if ( ! $data ) { return; } $this->current_doc = $data['original_doc']; } /** * Get current document. * * Retrieve the current document. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * * @return Document The current document. */ public function get_current() { return $this->current_doc; } public function localize_settings( $settings ) { $translations = []; foreach ( $this->get_document_types() as $type => $class ) { $translations[ $type ] = $class::get_title(); } return array_replace_recursive( $settings, [ 'i18n' => $translations, ] ); } private function register_types() { if ( ! did_action( 'elementor/documents/register' ) ) { /** * Register Elementor documents. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param Documents_Manager $this The document manager instance. */ do_action( 'elementor/documents/register', $this ); } } /** * Get create new post URL. * * Retrieve a custom URL for creating a new post/page using Elementor. * * @param string $post_type Optional. Post type slug. Default is 'page'. * @param string|null $template_type Optional. Query arg 'template_type'. Default is null. * * @return string A URL for creating new post using Elementor. */ public static function get_create_new_post_url( $post_type = 'page', $template_type = null ) { $query_args = [ 'action' => 'elementor_new_post', 'post_type' => $post_type, ]; if ( $template_type ) { $query_args['template_type'] = $template_type; } $new_post_url = add_query_arg( $query_args, admin_url( 'edit.php' ) ); $new_post_url = add_query_arg( '_wpnonce', wp_create_nonce( 'elementor_action_new_post' ), $new_post_url ); return $new_post_url; } private function get_doc_type_by_id( $post_id ) { // Auto-save inherits from the original post. if ( wp_is_post_autosave( $post_id ) ) { $post_id = wp_get_post_parent_id( $post_id ); } // Content built with Elementor. $template_type = get_post_meta( $post_id, Document::TYPE_META_KEY, true ); if ( $template_type && isset( $this->types[ $template_type ] ) ) { return $template_type; } // Elementor installation on a site with existing content (which doesn't contain Elementor's meta). $post_type = get_post_type( $post_id ); return $this->cpt[ $post_type ] ?? 'post'; } }